My art gallery! Yes i finally deserve one!

Honeymoon suite! No this is not my hotel room.

Wow....executive suite...graffiti!!! No no....art gallery ppl!

Art gallerying my relative's house! MY house now! haha!
Hello Francis Bacon.

May i live forever!!!

graffiti graffiti graffiti.......graffiti art gallery!!!!!

Some fool blocked the tv screen and kevin garnett's face!!

U dun impress me!!!!!! I've seen worse!!!!! lol
Take that Franz Kafka!!!!!

little girl jumped around like a monkey b4 her mom took
her away. probably cus of the camera....

some hilary duff clone....like there isn't enough clones

I don't have to sell them to be ubiquitious!!!! Lol. Take
that Pablo Pic!!!!

Thanx 2 my cousin!! i got to graffiti my own art gallery!!!
Hah!!! Money!!! Very soon money will be obsolete but
i'll STILL get rich. LOL!
Taken in my mom's country of origin. Uzbekistan!!!!
Don't hit me!!!!!! LOL!Theres actually islands around SEA called Male and Solo
City. B4 wikipediaing them i was like what the fuck....
I'll STFU now.
but seriously, good [war and hell] art always get me.
P.S its pouring urine outside right now....fuckers.....
i want 2 go out and jump around in the rain...haha...
no im not childish.
declare independence
don't let them do that to you (X2) [- justice-]
start your own currency
make your own stamp
protect your language [- justice -]
make your own flag (X4)
raise your flag (X6)
declare independence
don't let them do that to you (X2)
damn colonists
ignore their patronizing
tear off their blindfold
open their eyes
declare independence
don't let them do that to you (X2)
with a flag and a trumpet
go to the top
of your highest mountain
and raise your flag (X6)
declare independence
don't let them do that to you (X2)
raise the flag

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